Our Why

Bright Lights Homeschool Enrichment provides all children enrolled in our program with what they deserve — a childhood filled with wonder, joy, exploration, growth, companionship, compassion, adventure, and values that encourage what builds them up and protect against what brings them down. We believe every child is born with a God-given light, and we strive to help that light burn brighter.

We enrich the homeschool experience by providing experiential learning opportunities and developmentally appropriate academic instruction.

Our How

Tutors at Bright Lights Homeschool Enrichment are stewards of childhood and the healthy development of every child enrolled in our program. By balancing the proper amounts of free play, outdoor exploration, structured play, life skills development, adventure, and intentional, purposeful, and timely academic tutoring, our program creates an environment that fosters growth at a level that surpasses any traditional educational setting in all the right ways.

Children enrolled in our program play, laugh, cook, bake, draw, build, paint, tend to plants and animals, read, explore, create businesses, and plan field trips for our cohorts.

Sometimes they do these things on their own. Sometimes they do these things with the help of their classmates. Sometimes they do these things with the assistance of their tutors. They participate in life, and they are given the opportunity to learn, grow, and challenge themselves in a healthy way, in a healthy environment, and at a healthy pace. Most importantly, they are given the opportunity to do these things while spending most of their time with who matters most to them and their development — their families.

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Now accepting applications for 2023-2024

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